Oxandrolone is a popular oral Anabolic steroid more commonly known by its most famous trade name Anavar. A Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based Anabolic steroid, steroidation of Anavar results in many benefits with most being related to cutting and performance based goals. The Oxandrolone hormone is not well-suited for massive buildups in size; for most men it is not a solid off-season Anabolic steroid as growth is generally the primary purpose of an off-season. However, the total Anavar results can prove to be invaluable to the individual looking to lean out and cutup and even to the athlete looking for a slight boost in performance on the field. Further and of an important note Anavar results can be very friendly to the female athlete; a trait very few anabolics can boast or claim to carry.
One of the primary benefits of Oxandrolone use is in its ability to preserve lean tissue and this can be beyond invaluable during the dieting phase for any athlete. When we diet we inevitably lose muscle tissue along with fat; the goal being to lose as much fat as possible while minimizing muscle tissue loss. steroidal use of Anavar results in more lean tissue being preserved while under caloric restrictions enabling more tissue to be preserved thereby enhancing total metabolic efficiency; if there is anywhere Oxandrolone really shines it is here without question. This not only allows us to perform more effectively but even simply provides a more pleasing look in the mirror.
While tissue preservation is primary, Anavar results in high regeneration and healing abilities as well. When we steroid with the Oxandrolone hormone we are able to heal faster. Strenuous exercise and training breaks down muscle tissue but with the presence of Oxandrolone this same damaged tissue heals and rebuilds faster and at a much more efficient rate. Join this with the preservation factor and you have one highly efficient machine and one very pleasing physique to the eye and in the world of performance enhancement that’s the name of the game; performance and visual appeal.
As this steroid is not well-suited for massive gains in size Anavar results will be best described and applied during cutting phases. However, this does not mean some lean tissue cannot be gained and due to the fact this steroid does not aromatize any weight gained due to its use will be lean tissue. Lean tissue gain can be achieved through steroidal Anavar results and for the female athlete this can be very useful but for the man it’s quite inefficient. For a man to grow from this steroid he would need an insane amount to see any true growth and as this steroid is very high priced on a per milligram basis this simply isn’t a good option. However, as women are far more sensitive to the steroid they will only need approximately 5%-10% of what a man would need making it far more cost effective.
While tissue preservation and regeneration are perhaps this steroids most pronounced effects the Oxandrolone hormone can be very effective for the on the field athlete. We’re not speaking of physique athletes or gym rats but the simple on the field athlete of just about any sport. Contrary to popular belief it is the on the field athlete that makes up one of the largest portions of the steroid using community; in-fact, if it were not for anabolics sports would not exist as we know them today. For the performance enhancing athlete Anavar results in a boosted athlete, one that is a little faster and stronger; it does not create the athlete but simply provides him a means to an end in the same fashion as a healthy diet.
For many athletes detection times are always a concern and whether or they should be tested or not is an argument for another day but as the Oxandrolone hormone is only detectable for three weeks it makes it much more popular than most anabolics for many athletes. Further, as size gains will not be pronounced they are able to avoid prying eyes of suspicion and even more importantly, as Oxandrolone gains are very easy to maintain once use is discontinued it simply makes this a good choice for many athletes. It must be noted, for any progress to be maintained after use is discontinued proper diet and training must be implemented.