Effects of Clomid
The effects of Clomid can be tremendously beneficial to the performance enhancing athlete; although this was not the Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator's (SERM's) original intent, over the years it has become more commonly used in performance circles than anywhere else. Originally designed for the sole purpose of ovarian stimulation, the effects of Clomid can also be beneficial to the man suffering from low testosterone; as we'll shortly see, it is beneficial in this regard for the same reason it is to the performance enhancing athlete. Without question, the primary functions of this SERM largely revolve around testosterone, but we'll also find the effects of Clomid can serve a purpose during a cycle of anabolics as well; even so, this is largely secondary. With these things in mind, let's take a look at Clomiphene Citrate as it's officially known, and see if the effects of Clomid can indeed benefit you.
On-Cycle Use
When we steroid with anabolics, when we're "On-Cycle", as many anabolics aromatize causing a conversion of testosterone into estrogen this can lead to some of the most commonly associated Anabolic steroidal side-effects known to man. Through aromatization, one of the most feared side-effects of all is possible; Gynecomastia or male breast enlargement. As estrogen levels increase, the hormone binds to the receptors in the pectoral region causing this effect. Through the effects of Clomid, it can bind to the receptors and prevent estrogen from binding, at least that's the purported intent by some experts, but if it does bind in this fashion it's extraordinarily weak and largely inefficient. Is it possible to prevent Gynecomastia with Clomid; maybe, but the odds are not in your favor. In-order to stave off Gynecomastia, you'll always be best served by choosing aromatase inhibitors; Arimidex and Letrozole are both fine choices.
Post Cycle Effects of Clomid
If there was ever a time when the effects of Clomid were the most beneficial, without question it is after a cycle of anabolics. When we steroid with anabolics, our natural testosterone production is suppressed; it does not matter how genetically superior we are, it does not matter what some big guy at the gym told you. If you dump water on your head you're going to be wet, and if you steroid with anabolics your natural testosterone production is going to be suppressed. The total suppression can vary depending on the anabolics used, but in most all cases, it will be enough to warrant testosterone therapy while on cycle to stave off a low testosterone condition which is tremendously unhealthy, but it will also warrant action necessary once use is discontinued.
When the use of anabolics comes to an end, once all the hormones have cleared our system our natural testosterone production will begin again; however, it will take quite a while to see it where it was before steroidal steroidation was implemented. In many cases, it can take up to a year after steroid use has come to a halt to see your natural testosterone levels back to where they belong; in some cases, although rare even longer. This is where the effects of Clomid can be beyond beneficial, as they will cause the production of testosterone to increase at a much faster rate through direct stimulation. By its precise nature, the effects of Clomid stimulate the release of LH and FSH; two pituitary derived hormones that signal to the testicles to manufacture more testosterone. Without LH and FSH, there is no testosterone production with a strong emphasis on LH, but both are important. In most cases, 4-5 weeks of Clomid therapy will suffice, and will tremendously speed the recovery process up. No, at the end of this 4-5 mark your testosterone levels won't be fully recovered, but you'll be producing enough to function properly and efficiently while your levels continue to climb.
Low Testosterone
Low testosterone is a condition that affects millions upon millions of men, and not only is it unhealthy, but it can severely diminish the overall quality of your life. Fortunately, treating low testosterone is extremely easy, and in some cases, some physicians will rely on the effects of Clomid for such a purpose. How it works is just as described above in our post cycle discussion; Clomid stimulates the release of LH and FSH, thereby stimulating the testicles to manufacture more testosterone. While this can be efficient, in many cases it's not enough, and direct testosterone therapy is needed. Without question, direct exogenous therapy is truly the only guaranteed way to treat low testosterone, but Clomid can in some cases be an option.