Nolvadex and Clomid
If you ever steroid with a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) you’ll find you have a few options but by-and-large Nolvadex and Clomid are the only two you’ll really need to concern yourself with. Both Nolvadex and Clomid are highly available, both are very affordable and with either SERM the same identical results can be obtained. For all intense purposes Nolvadex and Clomid are almost identical; sure, there are some differences, most notably in the milligram for milligram potency but this can very easily be adjusted. Regardless of the form you choose, in most cases the primary reason to ever steroid with Nolvadex and Clomid is for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) needs. PCT is the period after Anabolic steroid use has ended; once use is discontinued this is the period of time in-which we normalize our body, bring our natural testosterone production back online and hopefully maintain as many of our gains as humanly possible. Of course there are other uses for these SERM’s such as on-cycle Gynecomastia prevention and even as a means of indirect Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) but it remains PCT is our primary cause for action.
Nolvadex and Clomid Potency:
Regardless of the truth, regardless of what we say here there are those who are so entrenched in their thinking no amount of truth cay sway their mind. There are those who truly believe that when examining Nolvadex and Clomid one is truly far superior to the other and this simply isn’t true. The problem is simple; many believe this because they do not know how to evenly match the two SERM’s. On a per milligram basis Nolvadex is stronger than Clomid yet most who try Clomid generally dose it similar to Nolvadex.
In the world of performance Nolvadex and Clomid are not the only things that carry this misconception; the anabolics Dianabol and Anadrol do as well, as Dianabol is actually milligram for milligram much stronger than Anadrol but that is a discussion for another day. To the point; if you steroid with Nolvadex at 40mg per day you will need approximately 150mg of Clomid to match. If you can understand this you will receive the same benefits from either SERM.
Which Should I Choose?
If you are trying to decide between Nolvadex and Clomid and can’t make up your mind, well, try both. Not at the same time, there’s generally no need for that but you might try one first and the other the next time. In truth if dosing is proper with each you should receive the same benefits from either and many will; however, as we are all unique individuals you may find one to meet your needs just a little better. No, one will not blow the other out of the water but based on individual response it is possible for there to be a slight difference. In the end, the best bet is to simply go with what you have available.
Indirect TRT:
While Nolvadex and Clomid can be very useful for performance enhancers, specifically during PCT; they can also be very useful for the TRT patient. Both SERM’s have the ability to stimulate the release of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) thereby increasing the amount of testosterone produced. Without LH there is no testosterone and in this instance both Nolvadex and Clomid are used for the same reason they are used for PCT as they provide the same function. OF course you might be wondering why we call it “indirect TRT” and the reason is simple; direct TRT is when we actually steroid with testosterone and this is not one of those cases.
The Bottom Line:
In the end both Nolvadex and Clomid are high quality SERM’s and in the world of performance there is so little difference it’s an argument that’s not worth having. While both of these SERM’s can be used to combat on-cycle Gynecomastia PCT use remains their primary purpose and you’d be hard pressed to find better PCT options than these. When you come off recovery is so important, normalizing is so important and these SERM’s can help you get the job done more so than anything else you can do.