Steroid Sources
There are numerous steroid sources on the performance market; so many it can at times seem like an overwhelming task when trying to find out which ones are worth your time. As is with any market on earth, not all steroid sources are created equally, and as this market regulates itself the difference in quality from one to the next can be quite substantial. For this reason, before you pay a single dime you need to do some hard digging, you need to ask some important question, and by no means do you need to make a purchase from various steroid sources just because they're offering. This is where many would be performance enhancers falter; they jump on board with the first person they find offering anabolics, and then stand there bumfuzzled and bewildered when they get burned. In any case, there is no logical reason to ever find yourself in such a state, none whatsoever, and by simply being patient, and most importantly not being an idiot you can ensure you're never found in the state of being completely ripped off.
The Problem
The problem with many steroid sources is by the very nature of their existence; as unregulated enterprises, and by this unregulated nature poor quality can abound. Counterfeit anabolics are not all that uncommon, and while certain steroids are most certainly more commonly counterfeited than others any steroid can fall into this category. While there are counterfeits on the market, there are other possible problems that are far more common; specifically under-dosed or mislabeled products, and of course, those of a contaminated nature. All three of these problems are quite common with many Underground Labs (UGL's), and as UGL's make up the majority of steroid sources these will be the most common problems. By under-dosing a product, the UGL is able to make more of a certain steroid with fewer raw materials, and thereby make more money. Then we have mislabeling, and this is far more common than many realize. It happens all the time; the source will have numerous steroids on their list, but when you make a purchase every injectable steroid is actually testosterone and every oral steroid is actually Dianabol. If this occurs, the good news is it's still an Anabolic steroid, but if you ordered something other than testosterone and Dianabol, well, you just got scammed.
While under-dosing and mislabeling are two common problems, the one of a far more serious nature is contamination, and this is no laughing matter, nor should it be taken lightly. Due to the nature of many steroid sources, their manufacturing procedures are very poor; the conditions they operate in are not sanitary or worse yet the raw materials are not as clean as they should be. When this happens, this can result in anabolics that are painful to inject; often when your injected area is very sore or even painful for a few days post-injection contamination is the cause. Know this here and now; the use of anabolics should not hurt; it should not hurt when you inject, and it should not hurt days after the injection. Absolutely, based on individual response to particular hormones there can be exceptions to this rule, but overall it should hold true. Beyond painful injections, contaminated anabolics can lead to infections, the worst of all being an abscess. If it's a sterile abscess it won't present any true danger, but it can be beyond painful; so painful that it can lead to you not being able to walk or move your arm depending on where the abscess is for several days or even a week or two. Then we have a full-blown abscess, and these can be life-threatening as if the infection spreads it can lead to horrific consequences. If this occurs, the inflamed area will be hot to the touch; you'll run a fever and may begin to feel extremely sick; if this occurs you should head to the emergency room immediately. If you do, you will find remedy is easy to obtain, but even so it's not a situation you want to put yourself in.
The Solution
As eluded to early on, there is no reason on this earth you should ever have to deal with steroid sources that share any of the problems as discussed above; in-fact, if you do it will normally be no one's fault but your own. Make no mistake, while there are far more low grade suppliers on the market there are plenty of steroid sources that are of an extreme high quality nature; you simply need to take the time to find them. In many cases, when an individual finds themselves dealing with low grade steroid sources it's because they didn't research the supplier out. They find out about a source and excited to make a purchase immediately do so without any research whatsoever, and then when problems occur they stand there confused; again, there is no reason for this to occur.
When you decide to make an Anabolic steroid purchase, if you have a few steroid sources in mind you have got to do some homework before you make such a purchase, and a good place to start is steroid message boards. steroid message boards that allow such discussions are everywhere, and if they don't allow this type of discussion most will allow information like this to be shared through private messages. Ask questions about the supplier you have in mind, seek out reviews on the particular supplier in question, and when you do, you'll save yourself from a world of heartache. This may sound like a giant pain, and it does mean you're going to have to be a little patient before you make a purchase, but ask yourself this one important question; what's more painful, taking the time to do a little research or purchasing from steroid sources that can actually be detrimental to your health?
The Success
While largely an unregulated market in the traditional sense of government regulation, the steroid market itself is not without regulation; its self-regulation is tremendous. It is the most basic free market principle on earth; the quality outlets of purchase rise to the top, and the poor ones fall to the wayside. Of course, when a low grade supplier hits the market and falls a new one will be right around the corner to take his place, but he will soon fall too. The performance enhancing community is one extremely tight-knit group, and they will not allow a poor quality source to survive for very long, for when one pops up it normally won't take long before he is absolutely crushed. For those who understand how this community works, when they are part of the community and conduct themselves in a respectful and patient manner, the only steroid sources they'll ever concern themselves with are those of a top shelf nature, and that's exactly what you want each and every time.