Weight Loss Steroids

When you think of anabolics the first thing that normally comes to mind is a massive muscular frame that is bigger than imagination itself. That’s the common perception; bigger than life physiques and in many ways it’s not that far off but at the same time anabolics are so much more than that. Look at the various sports such as baseball and track and field; in both pursuits steroids are widely used but the athletes are far from bigger than life in a muscular sense. Of course as the majority of Anabolic steroid users are simply gym rats looking for a better physique none of that really interest them at all; in-fact, they’re number one concern is weight loss steroids. It should come as no surprise that weight loss steroids are so heavily desired; after all, have you been outside, have you seen how fat society has gotten?

When we examine weight loss steroids in truth we can actually label all anabolics weight loss steroids. By their very nature all Anabolic androgenic steroids have a positive effect on the metabolism; with Anabolic steroid use our metabolism is enhanced. Even the commonly associated bulking steroids have this effect and remarkably so. Even so there are certain steroids that do in-fact have a more positive effect on weight loss and specifically fat-burning. It should be noted and this cannot be overstated enough; anabolics are not magical, if you are eating like a big fat pig and steroiding with steroids you should not expect a ripped physique. What you should expect is to remain fat and that’s if you’re lucky; if you’re eating like a big fat pig even with steroids you’re probably going to get fatter. With all of this in mind let’s take a look at which steroids are in-fact the best weight loss steroids all the while remembering this very important fact; the idea behind Anabolic steroid use is not to take the easy way out, it is to take what you’re already doing correctly and to simply do it a little better.

What Makes Great Weight Loss steroids?

There are five specific traits we are looking for when determining what makes great weight loss steroids. While most steroids will carry at least a few of these traits we are looking for steroids that carry the majority of them and in a pronounced fashion. When examining, the first thing we want is an ability to increase total metabolic efficiency and this is easy since all anabolics do this; after that there are other factors to look for and all factors include:

  • Increases metabolic Efficiency
  • Increases the Rate of Recovery
  • Preserves Lean Tissue
  • Inhibits Stress Hormones (Glucocorticoid steroids)
  • Directly Burns Stored Body-Fat

The Greatest Weight Loss steroids:

While all anabolics can be used and successfully so when trying to diet and lean out there are a few that are the greatest of all. As we will see some of these steroids are actually very good bulking steroids too but their fat-burning abilities remain very high. These steroids carry the majority of the traits listed above and in some cases each and every one and they do so in the most efficient and effective ways possible. The best weight loss steroids include (in no particular order):

  • Anavar
  • Masteron
  • Primobolan Depot
  • Testosterone
  • Trenbolone
  • Winstrol

Of these weight loss steroids without question the two most powerful are Testosterone and Trenbolone with Trenbolone being the most powerful yet Testosterone the most essential due to our health and bodily function.

Maximizing Weight Loss steroids:

For many performance enhancers there will be several other items that can be added to the equation to enhance the effectiveness of their weight loss steroids. Such items can include fat-burners, thyroid hormones, various peptide hormones and medications of an anti-estrogen nature. These items are not absolutely necessary and by no means outweigh the importance of the anabolics themselves but many of them can be very effective and very useful to the dieting athlete. To maximize our weight loss steroids suitable options may include:

  • Clenbuterol (Clen)
  • Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
  • Cytomel (T-3)
  • Arimidex
  • Letrozole (Letro)
  • Nolvadex (Nolva)

Of all these maximizing agents, without question the most effective and efficient will be HGH as it has the most permanent and powerful effectiveness on fat-burning. Clen and T-3 will also have a positive effect in this manner, simply not as powerful as HGH. As for the anti-estrogen related, Arimidex, Letro and Nolva, by controlling estrogen, especially with Arimidex and Letro we can enhance our fat-burning abilities.


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